UpIn30 is a classified advertising service where ads expire in 30 days, 30 hours or 30 minutes.
It’s the place to list limited-time offers, advertise those end-of-season or end-of-the-line items and merchandise unique handcrafted items. Our objective is to drive more traffic to local businesses, whether you are a retailer, restaurant or service. Using UpIn30 to reach people in your local community, you can build customer loyalty and a new awareness for your business. All advertisers can benefit from the visibility and spin-off traffic that can be generated when a large number of potential buyers seek a large number of deals.
Participation is easy, just read on.
To advertise on UpIn30 you must be selling new or refurbished items and have a physical location within the region that you are advertising. Account setup is quick and includes a free advertising offer so you can try out our service at no risk.
Looking for a new way to shop local and get access to some great deals? UpIn30 gives you special offers from local businesses – people you know and trust. If you see something you want contact the Seller directly. UpIn30 is not a middle-man, we do not charge advertisers sales fees or receive commissions.
UpIn30 is produced by Qwik Media Inc., an Owen Sound based web developer and digital marketing agency. We specialize in ecommerce storefronts and advertising campaigns designed to drive business to those outlets. Build your own store in as little as 10 days. We’ll show you how.